Measuring R1-29 waveguide line

    Line measuring waveguide R1-29 is designed to measure the standing waves in waveguides.
The measured values
​​can be calculated VSWR or reflection coefficient of the measured load, the wavelength in the waveguide, the waveguide attenuation quadripoles determine matching generators.
R1-29 are widely used in the development and production of microwave devices and can be used in the laboratory, workshop and other conditions at ambient temperature 278K-313K (5 ° C-40 ° C) and relative humidity up to 95% at a temperature of 303K (30 ° C).

Specifications line measuring devices R1-29 waveguide:

Frequency Range – 12,05GGts-17,44GGts;
Own VSWR – 1.03;
Impermanence probe connection with the field lines R1-29 – 2;
Relative shunt conductance probe – 0.048;
RF path -16h8mm;
Dimensions – 214h176h134mm;
Weight R1-29 – 2,2kg.

1 in stock
