Line measuring waveguide R1-21

R1-21 measuring line waveguide is designed to measure the parameters of the standing waves in waveguides, VSWR and for calculating the reflection coefficient of the measured load, the wavelength in the waveguide.

R1-21 lines are used in the development and production of microwave equipment.

Specifications R1-21:

Frequency range – from 6.85 GHz to 9.93 GHz.

Own VSWR – 1.02.

Impermanence probe connection with the field lines R1-21 – 1.4%.

RF path – 28,5 × 12,6 mm.

Relative shunt conductance probe – 0.015.

Dimensions – 155 × 214 × 176 mm.

Weight – 2.5 kg.
1 in stock 
